You can’t be a real estate billionaire or president of the United States without having some superior attitudes or qualities. We take a quick look at some of them.

You can read Donald Trump’s “The Art of the Deal” for some tips on real estate investment strategies or you can read his lawyer and business adviser George H. Ross’, “Trump’s Strategies for Real Estate”. Several key strategies or qualities keep repeating themselves, and they will be repeated here too to refresh your memory:

Top 5 Personal qualities for real estate success

1) Enthusiasm for the project in order to inspire others.

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2) Build relationships with everyone involved in a deal.

3) Showmanship is a real estate strategy.

4) Be better prepared than anyone else.

5) Be tenacious.

All of them are common sense strategies. The only one that stands out is ‘showmanship’. Does showmanship or charisma matter? That depends, but it is human nature to be easily captivated or convinced by the better orator – think Hitler. Some university professors are brilliant but their students fall asleep in their class, so are they effective as lecturers? Probably no.

Malaysia has a number of very good speakers in the real estate industry. Those who frequently attend property conferences will be aware of who they are. Are the speakers earning more than regular property sales people? The answer is yes and no; it depends on what they are selling – is it properties or other products; legal, financing or tax advice?


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