Magic Murals of Muar

Visitors from abroad have come to Muar, a small town in Johor, just to have a look and take selfies with the murals in the background.

For a small town, Muar has become a sort of must-visit destination due to its proliferation of captivating
murals. The amount of street art is staggering relative to the size of the town. What’s more, some of the artists come from all over the world.
For example, the “Loving Sisters Mural” which lays claim to being the largest mural in Malaysia, is painted by a Russian painter. Within Muar Cultural Walk itself, there are some 20 murals. Along Jalan Meriam, there are several interesting ones that capture slices of the multicultural life in Malaysia.
One can’t stroll past without stopping and admiring them, and in 9 out of 10 cases, handphones and cameras are clicking away to store these street art masterpieces into digital memory, to be revisited again and again.
The ones here are taken by passionate amateur photographer, Ching Tack Seng.

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