Asian Property Review examines whether going hi-tech for property auctions is advantageous and discovers there are more pros than cons in doing so. Text by Mira Soyza “Going once, going twice, sold to the highest bidder!” The topic of auction is a territory many still find quite baffling. Since each country has its own sets of rules in regards to property auction—in some countries, each state forms its own legislation—the auction scene can be a little tricky to the average Joe. Buying at an auction is often perceived as the most common way of acquiring an asset at below market value. However, over the years, the business of property auction has become a playground for syndicates—these cartels manipulate the prices by paying off genuine bidders, extorting compensation out of an interested bidder, harassing bidders to withdraw from an auction and many more unethical practices. Even more shocking, ofttimes, lawyers, auctioneers, bank staff as well as court staff work hand-in-glove with these syndicates to manipulate the auction process. In a bid to crackdown on these syndicates and ensure a fair and transparent auction process, Malaysia decided to leverage technology to the full – by conducting online all public auctions held at the High Court. From July onwards (barring any unforeseen glitches), anyone can log in, register and bid online. This, according to the authorities, is partly to stop the unsavoury activities of the syndicates as well as move towards a paperless system (wherever possible). Few countries have adopted e-auctions and those which have, have not implemented it fully, says Alan Poon, Principal Strategist of Superior Wealth Mastery. Poon asserts that despite the advancement of technology, the fact remains that conventional live auctions and live biddings are “still very much favoured and practised effectively.” Poon is known to have made a pile from buying auction properties and occasionally shares tips on how to successfully bid for the right properties.

【第54期封面故事:科技瞬息万变 买房租房新体验】Case 1:Wonderlist 把数据公开 让市场更透明化

科技革命加速推进,带来了大数据(Big Data)时代。
许多人对于大数据仍一知半解。大数据又被称为巨量资料,简单说来其概念就是资料分析、商业智慧(Business Intelligence)和统计应用的“结合体”。
投身于房地产买卖逾15年经验的万得资本控股(Wonderbucks Bhd)总执行长郑晘文,大谈大数据时代的来临如何影响我国房地产科技的发展与变化,以及他对房地产科技业的期待。
Q1:请谈谈当初开发“ 万得力”(Wonderlist)的契机和理念。
A:“万得力”与其他房地产类别应用程式最大区别在于,在这个应用程式中,我们还加入了独特的元素,像是即时对话(Live Chat)、房地产经纪评分与点评(Agents Rating and Review)、数据分析(Analytics)及其他有帮助房产买卖的功能。
“万得力”虽然去年5月才正式面市,但事实上我们在过去10年一直都在投入这方面的研发,而且不断在添加新的功能,像是将在9月24日非正式推介的Lease Option新功能,目前只能在网站使用,但我们已在投入研发Android和IOS的应用程式。
我们与3个估价师,即Nilai Harta咨询、ECS估价与房产咨询及Weise国际房产咨询合作,为用户提供即时的房产数据。

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